Me and Hubby

Me and Hubby

Monday, December 31, 2012


Yesterday I posted about my child-care dilemma. Truthfully, what I want more than anything is to be able to stay home with my precious baby and enjoy this time in our lives. While I know this is not an option, I am looking ahead to the future when it could be. More acurately, I'm looking ahead to when I could work part-time, or at least less than my job requires me to now. Most weeks I'm lucky to complete my work in 50 hours, and it isn't just me. When I first started my co-workers warned me that the job would never be done in 40 hours a week. But I didn't care. I was young, my husband was days away from deploying, and we had no children besides our Bloodhound Duke.

Two years later I'm a mom, wife, full-time student, and more than full-time worker. And I hate it. I hate missing so much of Tennessee's life. So I'm thinking something part-time. Maybe something around 20-30 hours a week. In a perfect world, I'd be one of those moms who is very Stepford, but brings in extra income by doing crafty things or writing books or something. Woudn't it be great if I actually could get paid to do what I love??

I have to stay with my current company until April, but I am seriously considering a more family oriented career at that point.

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