Me and Hubby

Me and Hubby

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Worst part about being a parent

I stayed home (again) yesterday with Tennessee. She's fine, but the kid at daycare that got her sick two weeks ago is STILL sick. His mom called me Saturday morning to say they had him in the ER Friday night and that the docters thought he had Pertussis. She said Tennessee and all the adults need to be tested to make sure we don't spread it further. So I spent most of Saturday morning at the local Urgent Care, just to be sure.

The little boy is on antibiotics and seems to be doing better, thankfully, but I still didn't want to risk having Tennessee around him yesterday. His test results came back today and it turns out he didn't have Pertussis, but he did have some sort of bacterial infection going because the Z Pac they gave him worked. I took Tennessee back today.

I was supposed to meet with another option for daycare yesterday afternoon, but she had to postpone until today. So at the agree upon time I went to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. Rang the bell. No answer. Called her. No answer. So I buckled Tennessee back in and we just came home. Have I mentioned that I hate daycare? Seriously the worst part about being a parent.

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